Margaret Snatch'Her

Margaret Snatch'Her
Just your average American girl.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


I seriously do not understand why it is so hard to get a job in a library. When I graduated from library school is took me eight months to find a job here in Charlotte. Now that I am moving away the opposite is happening, there are tons of jobs open here for all types of library and information services work, and where we've move to is like a library desert. I have search for jobs every single day it seems since J accepted the position at WCU back in October. I have applied for every single job in a hour radius of our new place, I've had three interviews, two with the same library system and nothing has worked out. I keep telling myself it is because of my excellent qualifications or maybe because my pay here in Charlotte is so good...but I think I've been kidding myself. The library system I've interviewed with twice wants me to apply for another position they are posting soon, but it seems like a waste of time. If they wanted me they would have hired me already...right? On another less depressing note, practice on Monday went well. I'm sore as hell but it felt good to be back on wheels. I'm dying to go tonight but I've been up since 5am and I don't know if I can hack staying out till 10pm tonight since I have a full day tomorrow, luckily four hours out of tomorrow are a much needed spa day gift. I am trying so hard to keep it together. I'm home all weekend this weekend since J is speaking at a conference in New Orleans so I'm hoping to spend a ton of time with friends while I'm here. Here is hoping for good news. Until next time.

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