Margaret Snatch'Her

Margaret Snatch'Her
Just your average American girl.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Okay, Okay - So I owe you all an update.

Wow so much has changed since August, no seriously my life has done a total one-eighty. I am now working as the Reference and Information Literacy Librarian at J C Smith University. Earlier this month I was elected captain of the B-Dazzlers, and I met someone. My how quickly life can change. As of November of 2011 I had accepted a job that would force me to quite derby due to the hours, so I retired in favor of becoming a bench coach. But someone smiled on me and less then a week after my retirement I was offered a better position at the library I now work at. It is amazing how prayers can be answered. I don't know what I did to deserve some much good fortune in such a short amount of time, I just hope I can live up to every one's expectations. Stay tuned.... there is so much coming up from Derby Prom, to our 1st bout of the season. :)

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