Margaret Snatch'Her

Margaret Snatch'Her
Just your average American girl.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bruised and Busted

   Last Tuesday was hands down the most terrifying moment of my derby career, I fell twisted around and landed on my ankle. As I was falling I heard a loud snap and all I could think was Oh My Goodness its broken. Unable to move and not knowing what to do I scream both from the pain and the terror of what had just happened. Many hours later an E.R. doctor told me it was just a sprain but I'd most likely need an MRI to check for any damage to the tendons. It just shy of a week and things are looking up. Saturday saw the end of the swelling and the bruising has seemed not to get an worse. I can put weight on it with out pain at times, but it does still hurt so I am continuing to baby it using crutches and keeping it elevated. I've got a mere 26 days to back into fighting shape for our game against ARG.
   Other than my injury, not much has been going on. This weekend was Sadie (my roommates) 42st birthday and I was able to gather some people for dinner and a night out that were both successful and made her very happy. I cannot wait until her gift comes! The only other thing I can think of to share is that I am continuing to fall deeper in love with my boyfriend. He is so good to me, and makes me so happy and I am so ready for Thursday because once it's finished I have a four day weekend to spend with him and no one else and I cannot wait!
Till something else interesting happens....

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bringing home the win!

So after an insane weekend filled with derby, thunderstorms and more then one fight with the love of my life I finally have chance to breathe... and update.
So first things first: Derby - we brought home our first win of the season in front of a home crowd no less and with an impressive score of 248 to 35. The team we played was on the newer side and they showed a lot of heart, but our teamwork was truly unstoppable! It was a great day between doing the St. Patrick's Day Parade, skating in the bout and bringing home a win. However the after-partying on my part was cut short due to bad weather and a very frightened corgi.

The only other major thing going on in my life is my relationship. He is wonderful and perfect and has done all of this before. I'm not so great and thinking before I say and do things and it has created a few issues for us. I'm just lucky he is patient with me and doesn't stop loving me even when I screw up royally. This morning we were able to work on a few kinks that were holding us back and things seem to be back to normal. Thank the Lord, because he means more to me than anyone I've ever met. Well off to staff the reference desk.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Captaining and Being in Love

    This Saturday I will be captaining my first ever home bout. Talk about nerves, I had nightmares about getting benched last night. Things couldn't be more hectic these days. I practice twice and week at least and spend countless hours when I should be working doing stuff for derby like looking over contracts, planning practices, and evaluating the strengths of 28 girls on B-Dazz. With that said, I think it is paying off, I am feeling great about this weekend. We (captains and coaches) have put together one solid looking roster and we have been accomplishing new feats at every practice. We just have to keep a cool head and maintain a calm demeanor on the bench and we should be good to go.
    The other big thing in my life right now is that I am head over heels in love. I have met the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. He is everything I could ever ask for and tonight we are celebrating two wonderful months together. Other then those two things my life is pretty normal. Work is interesting as always and the Corgi and I are doing just fine.
   Till Next Time.....

Monday, January 23, 2012

Okay, Okay - So I owe you all an update.

Wow so much has changed since August, no seriously my life has done a total one-eighty. I am now working as the Reference and Information Literacy Librarian at J C Smith University. Earlier this month I was elected captain of the B-Dazzlers, and I met someone. My how quickly life can change. As of November of 2011 I had accepted a job that would force me to quite derby due to the hours, so I retired in favor of becoming a bench coach. But someone smiled on me and less then a week after my retirement I was offered a better position at the library I now work at. It is amazing how prayers can be answered. I don't know what I did to deserve some much good fortune in such a short amount of time, I just hope I can live up to every one's expectations. Stay tuned.... there is so much coming up from Derby Prom, to our 1st bout of the season. :)