Margaret Snatch'Her

Margaret Snatch'Her
Just your average American girl.

Monday, August 9, 2010

What it's like to be me...

     Well my name is Marissa but I live my life as a few different characters. If I am at work I am Miss Wizard the Mad Scientist. If I am babysitting for some friends of mine I'm Miss Sherman. If I'm out with friends or on the derby track I'm Snatch, Snatch'Her, or Sherman. When I'm with family or in class I'm Marissa. It isn't easy living life as these many alter egos, but it is a lot of fun.
     So who am I you ask? I'm Marissa, I'm 25 and I am a Charlotte, NC native. I attended App State and received a B.S. in Elementary Education with a minor in Music Education and I am now attending UNCG and completing my final year in their Master of Library Science program (only 15 more hours to go)! I hope to get a job as a youth services librarian some where in my fair city, but with the library budgets being cut this may not be an option. I have been living on my own since I was 22 and at 21 I got the love of my life a little tan and white corgi named Kamillia Rhodes (after the song by Btbam not the movie), and she is affectionately know to friends and family as Kami Kazi.
     So what exactly is it that I do? I am a science teacher by day and a Roller Girl by night. I skate under the stage name of Margaret Snatch'Her #99, and I skate for the Charlotte Roller Girls B-Dazzlers ( I also moonlight on an All Star team called the Carolina Hurticanes). Roller derby is my therapy, and it is my second family. There are girls on the team whom I love like sisters and would do anything for and I know they would do the same for me. We have our last home game of the season coming up this weekend 8/14 at the Grady Cole Center. I promise all the gory details of the bout once we win it!
     Why did I start this blog? Well, I used to blog before it was and international phenomenon using a site called Live journal but it became more of a place to rant and complain and less of a place to express oneself through the creativity of writing. I am starting to blog again for many reasons, but the reason that thrust me back into the scene was my break-up. At 5am yesterday morning my beloved boyfriend of ten months broke thing off saying that he needed to experience what all is out there when he leaves to go back to school. Heart broken I decided to start writing again. I hope that being able to freely express myself will help me cope with some of the overwhelming feelings that come with a break-up.
     If you interested in learning more about me, and living vicariously through my very crazy life then I invite you to kick back, relax, and become absorbed in my world - but don't get to comfortable...  see a lot of changes ahead.


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