Margaret Snatch'Her

Margaret Snatch'Her
Just your average American girl.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Top 5 Things you should know how to do in college!

As I approach the end of my career as a academic librarian there are a few things I would like to note. So many students come to college these days with no idea how to take care of themselves or their belongs. With this in mind I give you my list of
 Top 5 things college students should know before they start their freshman year..... 

5. How to send a attachment via email, this also goes for how to submit a document online.
4. How to clean up after yourself, this includes picking up your trash, pushing in your chairs, and flushing the
3. When to hang up your phone - when asking someone a questions, or ordering food perhaps.
2. Also on the subject of questions; how to ask a question... please at least have an idea of what you are trying to ask before you come to me. I cannot help you when you cannot put your problem into words.
And last and most important of all....
1. How to read and follow directions!!

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